Iheart Radio Music Festival...

9:00 AM Rachael Schaeffer 0 Comments

(Had to catch when my live Tweet was shown on the Mega tron!! There is nothing wrong with a little self-promotion haha)


 (Trey Songz is totally smiling that  Taylor coming to his performance lol)

  ( Yes,  I truly think Nicholas Petricca, from Walk the Moon, is pointing at me)  

This is the first festival I have ever been to and it is safe to say it was an Experience! Almost as soon as we arrived, my roommate and I headed straight for the crowd. A few minutes of singing and snapchatting obnoxiously, we met a couple girls who soon became part of our little group. Funny how a simple compliment or comment at all could be the start of a new friendship!

Soon all four of us began the push to make our way to the front of the crowd. Slowly but surely we made our way to two rows away from the stage. It was not easy, after a few rude people and a lot of shoving, it was totally worth it! (as you can see above, the perks of being at the front we got the chance to spot the celebrities that wanted to enjoy the show with the privacy of being in front of the gate, TOTALLY made my childhood crush start all over again after seeing Taylor Lautner three feet from us.

After about half the festival went by, I was more than ready to leave the crowd and make my way for the shade and grass to happily sit down (even with wearing Birkenstocks, one of my most comfortable shoes, I still needed a break to sit down) and sing along to the artists in the comfort of my own personal space and fresh air, something the crowds just do not have haha.

My Sophomore year in High School a friend of mine got her and I tickets to Walk the Moon as a birthday gift, and it was one of the best concerts of my life so to see them again was AMAZING! Yes, even though I was all the way in the grass when their set came on, I am convinced that Nicholas Petricca was pointing at me. 

Someone once said "You cannot download a live musical experience", and that is so true!! This weekend is one that I will always remember and cherish because it does not matter how made more concerts or festivals I attend, this will always be my first.

I hope that you all cherish the new memories you make everyday, because there is always going to be a first time for everything. Embrace that, no one can take away memories.
Thank you so much for reading along!

Rachael Arlene

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